A Guide for Halloween Candy and Braces

October 26, 2015

Filed under: Blog — Dan Rejman @ 6:09 pm

jack-o-lanternHalloween is such a fun time for children, with costumes and candy. For kids with braces, it can be tough to judge what candy may harm their braces. I tell my patients that for this night, it is OK to enjoy some treats, but to follow some guidelines. Here is a list of common candies that are acceptable and not recommended.

Absolute No- No’s:     Candies on this list are either really hard, extremely chewy, or have a consistency that will likely damage your braces.

  • Jolly Ranchers or hard candy
  • Taffy or hard caramels
  • Starburst
  • Now and Laters
  • Tootsie rolls
  • Sugar Daddies
  • Pay Days (or anything with full nuts)

Acceptable as Treats:     These candies are acceptable (as limited treats only!), especially if they are broken into smaller pieces.

  • Chocolate, Hershey’s Kisses
  • Most soft candy bars (Milky Ways, Three Musketeers, and Snickers and Twix in small pieces)
  • Fun dips
  • Lolly Pops- just don’t bite into them!
  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

In general, break things into small pieces, chew lightly, and consume sugar in moderation!


Dr. Dan Rejman is a Board Certified Orthodontic specialist, and is the owner of meadows Orthodontics in castle Rock, CO.

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